Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring is a Time for New Beginnings

Spring is almost here!! How many days until the "official" first day of spring? Ask almost anyone and they can tell you! The countdown is on with everyone anxiously waiting for the first signs of tender green shoots and watching for that first burst of colour from spring flowers.

I am not a winter person. My favourite "winter activity" is sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Don't get me wrong - I don't hate winter - I just don't like the cold. I do enjoy photographing beautiful winter landscapes, especially after an ice storm when the branches are glistening in the sun. BUT Spring is my favourite season.

By the end of winter, when all you see is muddy snow banks (yes, they are going to melt!) and brown fields, I love to see the first patches of green and the buds starting to form on the trees. The days are longer and the sun grows warmer until, suddenly there is green every where. Birds are chirping and busy gathering for this year's nests. Water is flowing (sometimes very fast!) from the melting ice that kept it hidden through the winter. The surface shimmers as it is steadily warmed by the sun each day.

Then the moment we have been waiting for - COLOURS! Spring blossoms burst forth and display the brilliance they have held back until their moment of glory. Their heads follow the sun, absorbing every ray of sunshine they can. As one variety of flower subsides, another is ready for their grand entrance, tired of being dormant and asleep. Soon there vibrant colours everywhere you look. Beautiful! Spring has sprung.

Yes, I too am waiting for spring. This beautiful spring flower bouquet has stirred my desire to see spring burst forth. It feels good. The rich colours of these gorgeous flowers draw me in and shout, "I am alive and I am displaying everything within me! Look how God has created me. Gaze in wonder at the intricate design of my blossoms. Enjoy the beauty He has called forth from my tiny beginnings. Marvel at the extravagance He has bestowed on me. No matter how long I had to wait, I have now taken my place in this season and in His perfect timing - never late, never early."

We can experience seasons in our lives as well. We like some seasons better than others! Each season has it's purpose. Don't rush through and ignore the season you are in as you anticipate the next one. It will arrive in it's proper time. BUT don't lose heart in your winter season when everything looks barren and deserted. Spring is coming! You can see the signs everywhere you look. You can feel the days becoming warmer as it approaches. The Light grows with each day.

Never doubt that God is at work. When you look out and see those rolling white fields with no colours in sight and no signs of spring coming soon, remember this: God's timing is perfect. That barren tree will bud again. There are flowers just waiting to burst forth. The green grass will return. How do we know? He has promised us. The spring bouquet reminds us in the winter of what will come in the spring and then in the summer as everything matures.

Spring is coming. Are you ready?

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