Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reality or Denial?

Dancing with Destiny: Quotes from Dreamers: “Facing the Dream Killers”

We Live in a Fantasy World

What if our lives turn out to be totally different from our dreams? Some people are so disappointed with the “now” that they live in a fantasy world.

Dreams are risky. What if it doesn’t turn out the way you thought it would? You did everything “right” but here you are – FAR from living your dreams. Rather than face the reality of their disappointments, they live a façade. “Everything’s great!! Couldn’t be better!! I’m FINE!!” Don a smile and go with the flow.

Others live vicariously through somebody else’s life or dreams.
Parents can be guilty of this one. Circumstances prevented the fulfillment of their own dreams, so they project their ambitions and expectations on their children – pressuring them into areas we prefer them to pursue. We must be careful to allow our children to fulfill God’s plan for their lives, not our dream for their futures. Pray for wisdom as you guide them to make decisions for the directions they take.

Still others say, “If this is my destiny, then God made a really big mistake.”
Have you ever thought God made a mistake? Well, everyone knows that God doesn’t make mistakes, but surely, THIS is not what He planned for me!!! Because we cannot see the end, we judge situations on what we see today. It is never the full picture. Based on our limited perceptions, we make decisions to change the direction our path is going. However, God had a reason for us to travel this particular part of our journey. Within each trail/situation, there is a lesson to be learned or a character quality to be developed or perfected. When you resist, you slow down the process. I don’t want to hear that!! Not going there!! “I’m not listening!!”

Do you feel that way? It shows a crisis of trust in God! It means that you probably do not understand what you have been given, who you really are and how God sees you. If we grasped how much God genuinely loves us, if we could see ourselves through His eyes, our lives would be dramatically different. We would know who we are and what our purpose is. I can assure you that we would live very differently, love extravagantly and pray strategically.
WOW. Isn’t that the Truth!! We must fully grasp this and apply it to our lives. God LOVES us and has a plan for our good (Jeremiah 11:29). When you truly learn to live in this reality – fantasy land will look so ridiculous, you will wonder how it ever became an option.

What is around you? Who are the people with you? If things do not look the way you imagined they would be, then in your mind you have built a fantasy.

Denial of reality is not the answer. (DENIAL: Don’t Even kNow I Am Lying.) You are lying to yourself (and to others). At best, it delays facing the inevitable and at worst, it allows more sorrow and heartache than if you would have faced it up front.

It is a HUGE PIT with no hope for resolving the situation. Denial NEVER changes your situation. You can’t change reality with fantasy. Things do not change because you declare them to be something that they are not. Learn to live in reality and ask God for wisdom in all you are facing.

You are in process: What are you doing with the material God has given you to work with?
No one accomplishes everything at once. Dreams take time to fulfill. God’s plan for you will not be fully realized until you walk in ALL He has for you – accept ALL He has provided for you – embrace ALL He has laid before you. Reality is now. Don’t waste valuable time in fantasy land. Get out of the denial pit and start claiming your inheritance. Pursue your dreams and get ready to dance!!

Selah Y

Monday, May 12, 2008

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Dancing with Destiny: Quotes from Dreamers: “Facing the Dream Killers”

We Are Afraid to Have Fun

Let's face it: "Religion" isn't fun. Legalism shuts down the human heart and closes off intimacy with God.

Imagine a relationship in which there was no room for fun. How excited would you be to spend all of your time with this person? Imagine having a list of “rules” for what you can and cannot do or talk about each time you met together – no room for spontaneity – just pre-approved topics and predictable activities. Imagine conversations where you can only communicate by reading pre-written responses – as if following a script written by someone else. How would you get to know this person? How would they get to know you? Relationship would be SO LIMITED. (and BORING!!)

Isn’t that what “religion” has ended up doing? With good intentions, prayers were written out to be a guide for how to talk to God, but when it became the only way to pray, we have a problem. Intimacy is lost and we are just following the script laid out for us. True intimacy can only be developed by spending time together and sharing personally. Truly, our hearts will eventually shut down and stop seeking intimacy in this type of relationship after unmet expectations and unexpressed longings become unbearable. Why bother? With no intimacy, it will become an empty shell.

He is eager to interact with us. He came to establish deep relationships. Walking with Him is a journey of excitement, which involves having fun!

Jesus didn’t come to remain separated from us. It may sound like an old clique, but He really does want a personal relationship with us – connected to us and all we do. He wants us to share ALL of our hopes and dreams with Him. He wants us to express ourselves and have FUN!! We have been created to be unique and it pleases Him when we are truly expressing and being ourselves.

As children, we knew how to just have fun. Little ones are not limited by what must be or how something is supposed to look; they just express it from their hearts. “Fashion rules” are eventually learned (sometimes for good reason!!) as we learn what is acceptable, but look at what we miss when we don't step outside the box of the ordinary. In this photo, they are definitely having fun!! It brought a smile to my face. :o) BUT would you do this – just for fun?? Have you ever done something just for the sheer fun of it? Laughter is good for the soul. A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (Amplified Bible)

We are the ones who stop the game. "Time-out!" we yell. The "religious system" sometimes gives the message that rest and relaxation are unspiritual and unnecessary. We prefer not to play because it does not look spiritual.

Have you been allowed to express your creativity? Are you encouraged to pursue your dreams? Or does your every activity have to accomplish an ultimate purpose, or achieve some valid goal? What does R&R really mean to you? Did Jesus take time to “rest” and just enjoy the company of His friends? Did they have fun together? Laugh together?

In a society where success is valued so highly, is there room for fun? Is it possible to have fun with God??? Is this an unrealistic expectation - just out of our reach?

Every journey has ups and downs. There will be times of difficulty and suffering as well as times of joy and celebra­tion. We expect seasons of pain in the Christian walk, but we need to expect times of pleasure and passion, as well. It is not an either/or situation. We embrace the journey and celebrate life.

LIFE must have all of these elements. Real Life – living in reality. Jesus said, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” John 10:10b (Amplified Bible) We are supposed to experience AND express all aspects of life – to the full – that includes having FUN!!

Selah Y