Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Invitation

Dancing with Destiny: Quotes from the Invitaion
You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor … Desolate… for the LORD delights in you… so shall your God rejoice over you. (from Isaiah 62:4-5)

God is calling for His Bride—for you—calling you to step into the journey of a lifetime with your Bridegroom King. In His hand is a long-stemmed red rose, and He offers it to you with an invitation. Joyfully He says, “Let’s tango!”

Dancing is the epitome of partnership. It involves respect, dignity and strength. It takes courage to follow your heart and to let your inhibitions go. It shows who is willing to be vulnerable and grow as a partner and who is not.
Will you take His hand and dance all night? Or will you stand aloof and watch others grow in their journeys?

Can you picture it? The Bridegroom extending His hand to the Bride - inviting her onto the dance floor for that special dance? It's the dance of a lifetime! Don't shrink back - yes, it is YOU He is inviting to dance with HIM.
It is risky. You know you could look foolish. He is utterly wild yet utterly safe at the
same time. He knows your dreams! He wants to share them with you. He wants
you to know love such as you have never known.
TRUST HIM! You are safer with Jesus than you have ever been in your whole life. He longs to share His heart with you. He longs to show you ALL that He has planned. He is excited about your future!! Can't seem to dream - follow His dream for you! It's an adventure you don't want to miss!

You are not just a dreamer and lover, you are a warrior! It becomes the dance of a warrior, something like King David’s dance when the Ark of the Covenant was being returned to Jerusalem. He was not worried about being dignified. He was a warrior celebrating victory, and he displayed his joy with leaping and ecstatic whirling. The Bible tells us that his wife Michal, however, watched with judgmental eyes. She was not willing to give herself to such love and abandonment of her principles. And what hap­pened? David’s exuberance pleased the Lord, and Michal’s critical heart led to the loss of her destiny. She, who could have borne kings, was forever barren.

I've heard many speak on this portion of scripture - even a song - "I WILL be even more undignifyed than this"!! Can you hear it? We know for sure that David was a warrior, no question. Imagine it - the KING dancing in the street before the Ark of the Covenant as it moved towards Jerusalem. Quite a sight! But the Bible says that the Lord was pleased with his expression of worship that day. Maybe not in what he was doing, but God looks at the heart (always!) and He saw David's passion as he worshipped. He also saw Michal's heart - her judgemental eyes. She was critical of David's passion for God. As a result she was left barren. How sad! God is jealous for our love and worship. No we don't all have to dance in the street for God to be pleased with our worship, but He is longing for us to worship Him in the same spirit of freedom as David had - sold-out passion before His Redeemer.

It is a fascinating journey. He is so fun and full of life, you want more of Him. You love the partnership of the Bride with the Bridegroom King. Catching just one glimpse of His eye gives you the courage to follow your heart.

Listen for His invitation. He is calling for you to join Him.

“Come with Me, My be­loved. Your destiny, your journey, will surpass your wildest dreams if you follow Me.” Will you stay close to His heart and learn to dream, to love and to war? Will you let Him show you the steps of your journey?

Will you dance with destiny?

Selah Y